Elite Ageing Blog

First Keynote Speech II

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I turned up with both Excited and Nervous as expected. Nervous was a bit eager at the beginning and wiped my mind clean. It was a good job the art of waffling hadn’t eluded me as well. I used it to fill what seemed like an eon of time before Excited turned up and said: […]

Elite Ageing Blog

First Keynote Speech

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Excited / nervous about giving my first professional keynote speech on healthy ageing. Having a second fifty years that is even better than your first fifty years; at Farnham Speakers on Monday 10th November. I’m not sure which version of me will turn up.   Hopefully a combination of the two. 🙂  

Elite Ageing Blog

Who’s Over the Hill?

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Earlier this year I received something very rude through the mail. I was rather shocked by it as it was quite unlike anything I had ever received before. It was my first piece of junk mail from Saga (the old age company for people over fifty). Why are they writing to me, Saga is for […]